Welcome to Central UMC

“Joyfully embracing the diverse community where God has placed us, to become the ONE community God wants us to be. . .”

Welcome to Central United Methodist Church.

We are glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our church family. As I describe Central to people, I like to use words like ‘community’ and ‘family.’  We reflect the community of which we are proud to be a part of, with folks from all continents of the world.  Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at Central.  While you are browsing our website, you will learn about our programs and get a glimpse of who we are, but only a glimpse. To fully understand us, come and worship with us.  Enjoy the website, then come. We’d love to meet you and know you.                                  —-Rev. Ron Perry

Welcome           Bienvenida             Bienvenue              欢迎

Central UMC Worships in Person and on YouTube/Facebook at 11 am each Sunday. Sunday school for children and adults meet at 9:45am. Masks are now optional in the sanctuary/Sunday School, however we do ask you to continue to practice social distancing.

To watch on Facebook, click here.  To watch on YouTube, click here
The bulletin for Sunday’s worship service is here. 


Prestigious Award Goes to Our Bobbie Denny

Congratulations to Bobbie Denny, who received the Harry Denman Evangelism Award for the Western NC Conference, United Methodist Church! Each annual conference in the United Methodist Church extends this recognition to ONE clergy, ONE youth, and ONE adult laity each year. The award honors people whose words and deeds bring people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ!