
Giving to Central 

Thank you for choosing to give to Central UMC.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we give generously as a spiritual practice and in gratitude.   Many of us have been blessed abundantly in our lives and it is a gracious response to desire to give to others.  Central UMC is a church heavily involved in missions in East Charlotte, helping those in need.  Every gift, no matter the amount, is very much appreciated.

– Please know you can get your offering to the church any of the following ways (we ask you use the method you are most comfortable with):
– drop off offering in the narthex on Sunday between 10-12 
 (PLEASE DO NOT put offerings in mailbox).
Use “bill pay” from your bank account to contribute to Central.
Use this online link to contribute to the church’s operating fund:

Mail your contribution to Central UMC
6030 Albemarle Rd.
Charlotte, NC  28212

Methodist Giving on Special Sundays