Adult Sunday School Classes
Friendship Class
Young Adults
Sunday School for young adults is held at 10:00am each Sunday morning with Amanda Pippin. Please see Amanda for any questions.
¡Bienvenidos! Is the Spanish language Sunday School class for Adults that meets each Sunday at 9:45 am. Currently the book of Romans is being studied. All are welcome to attend!
¡Bienvenidos! Es la clase dominical para adultos que se lleva acabo en español. La clase se reune todos los domingos a las 9:45 am. Actualmente el estudio se trata del libro de Romanos. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Companions in Christ
This class welcomes all who want to strengthen their relationship with God and get to know others in the church. If you are looking for discussion in a small group setting, this is the place for you! Studies vary in length, and visitors are always welcome. Attic sales are the primary fund-raisers of this group. Social gatherings are scheduled throughout the year.