
Volunteers serve lunch to honor teachers and staff

Many opportunities for members and friends to help students and staff at Albemarle Road Elementary School (A.R.E.S.) are coordinated through Central’s Lynn Ward. Projects in cooperation with the school and its neighbor, Albemarle Road Middle School, include tutoring, reading with students, being a lunch buddy, helping with special events and making contributions for special needs. Contact the church office at 704-536-9157.

Volunteers are needed to help with Family Nights at the school, scheduled on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month during the school year. To get a complete listing of the areas in which you can participate and schedule of times, go to www.handsoncharlotte.org/CARES.

Remember, before you can volunteer in the school system, you must register at www.cmsvolunteers.com and select Albemarle Road Elementary School and Albemarle Road Middle School as your schools of interest. Click on the day you wish to help out.