Alcoholics Anonymous groups meet at the church several times each week. Contact AA at the Metrolina Intergroup Council for schedules and more information. 704-377-0244.
Central women and men often answer the call of Love, INC., to provide labor for short-term building projects in Mecklenburg County, such as wheelchair ramps.
The mission of Love In the Name of Christ, Love, INC, is to mobilize believers in Christ to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the poor, elderly and disabled in our community. Referrals for service come from churches, their members, Social Services and other agencies. Click here to see more photos of a recent project that Central members finished.
Crisis Assistance Ministry cares for our neighbors facing threats to their survival. Many neighbors live paycheck to paycheck, making tough choices among rent, utilities, healthcare, food and other necessities. Crisis Assistance helps distressed families with financial assistance for utilities and rent, as well as with clothing and household items. CUMC supports Crisis Assistance with monetary contributions and calls for volunteers.
Contact Crisis at 704-371-3001
Central members volunteer to help homeless men at the Charlotte campus, 3410 Statesville Ave. This combined project of the Emergency Winter Shelter with the Men’s Shelter is now open year around for up to 500 overnight guests and additional overflow guests during periods of inclement weather. Emergency shelter provides meals and beds, addresses basic needs and gives all guests access to the additional services offered through the shelter and community partners.
Central United Methodist is one of dozens of congregations in the Charlotte faith community helping to staff the Shelter at check-in and meal times as well as making financial contributions to the service.
How Can I Help? Volunteer!! Call 704-334-3187 Men’s Shelter of Charlotte 704-334-3187
Founded as a Christian Ministry, Habitat for Humanity of Charlotte works in partnership with God and people from all walks of life to develop community with people in need by building and renovating homes, so that people can live and grow into all that God intended.
Habitat for Humanity of Charlotte began in 1983 through the committed service and vision of seven area churches. Observing a dire need for adequate, affordable housing for the area’s low-income families, the churches created a non-profit group that was dedicated to partnering with area families to build and finance homes that low-income residents could afford through zero-interest, no profit mortgages.
Central volunteers work with other Habitat volunteers to provide construction services once or twice per quarter on new or foreclosed houses located in the Charlotte area. Construction activities can include framing walls and roof, insulation, exterior vinyl siding, roofing decking and shingles, drywall, installing exterior windows and doors, hanging interior doors and trim work. Experienced volunteers are paired with less experienced people to show them what to do. Workdays typically run from 8 a.m. to noon on a Saturday.
How Can I Help? Volunteer with the Central Habitat team. Contact the church at 704-536-9157.
Room In the Inn (RITI) provides shelter, dinner and breakfast for homeless men and women from Dec. 1-March 31 at various churches throughout the city. One night a week RITI sites open their facilities to provide a warm, safe place to sleep and get food. Central and Cokesbury United Methodist Churches jointly operate a RITI site for 12 male and female guests at Cokesbury.
Central volunteers provide set up of beds, linens, blankets, and towels for each guest. Volunteers also provide and serve dinner, mingle with the guests, and clean up the kitchen. The dinner team will also provide a bag lunch to give to the guests when they leave the next morning. A volunteer from each church will spend the night The next morning another team provides and serves breakfast to the guests, cleans up the kitchen and dining room, and breaks down and cleans the beds. Cokesbury provides the transportation for the guests to and from the Charlotte Transportation Center.
To volunteer on Central’s team, contact the church at 704-536-9157.
Special Opportunities present frequently
–Crop Walk
–Christmas in July for the troops
–Backpacks in September
–Bags for the homeless